Don't read my blog if you don't know me.
Today, as it's about the halfway point in October, is just a Namaste It! update. And considering I'm not really allowed to write about the stuff I really want to, this will have to do for now.
My previous post about it is HERE, so use that to catch up if necessary.
My biggest problem with going veggie so far is the variety. It seems that while I know plenty of things to make, most of them take some time. The only two quick and easy things I really know are eggs and pasta. So I've had plenty of both this month.
I did make a pretty sweet pot of vegetarian chili. But it did take some time. Last weekend I had time to put it all together, then put aside a portion for dinner that day and the next, then freeze a couple more portions for later.
With a lot of the things I can make that are vegetarian, it's the same thing. So coming home from a day of work then cooking? Not my bag. So this weekend I need to plan ahead and made a ton of food and throw it in the freezer for the next couple weeks.
Last Friday night I tried the vegetarian patty at EJ Phair. I had a BBQ type burger. I'm glad I picked one that was smothered in BBQ sauce. The patty itself didn't taste great, didn't taste bad. It was just there. In the future, when I'm not in a vegetarian month, I think the only time I would choose a veggie patty is if I had to eat out several days in a row or often, or perhaps on vacation where I'll already be eating lots of crap. Another option was to have a portabello mushroom cap. I think I would like to try that.
I've saved a bunch of money as well, since I haven't been buying junk food or meat. I'm also pretty much off drinking anything other than water and chocolate milk, so that's saved cash.
I was worried at the beginning of the month that I wasn't going to lose my 5 pounds this month. Over the past week, I amped up my gym workouts, changing cardio to interval training instead of just distance. I jog for 2 minutes, sprint for 2 minutes, and repeat for 20 total minutes, then jog the rest. All the reading I've been doing says that this burns fat faster. I've now lost 4 of the 5 pounds with over 2 weeks in the month, so I hope to be ahead of schedule when November starts. If I can actually get this house purchased, the last couple months of the year could get hectic.
So there.
Dark colored leafy veggies are known to have a wide range of nutrients. Eating such food is good for digestion and brings out all essential nutrients our body requires.
The Right Place. The Right Time
Slow cooker (ie Crockpot). Just throw all of your stuff in there (for your chili, say) and when you come home from work, it’s all hot and ready. I just bought this one in September ( and gained plenty of weight and had to stop using it (although, that was probably because I was unprepared having neither cooked before nor currently in possession of a kitchen). So, purchase at your own risk.
- The Jakes
The Jakes,
I've seen your kitchen. Don't sell your kitchen short. Just because you don't have anything that makes food preparation easy or even possible doesn't mean you don't have a kitchen.
You don't win friends with salad.
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